Kath & Kim Foxy Morons - great costume duo!
Posted by The Wise Wig Woman on 15th Jan 2025
When you dress up as Kath and Kim, think 80s chic. They both have ultra confidence in their foxy style so you need to own it and work it.
KATH ... What you will need ...
Kath has a tight 80s poodle perm and unless you have hair already like this I would suggest the blonde permed afro curly wig by Allaura. Place wig on and separate the curls.
If you are wanting to be 'Kath gym bunny' or 'Kath dressed up' think padded jackets, tight pants with a tight singlet. Complete the look with plastic earrings and a beaded necklace or 80s inspired aerobic wear bright colours, high cut with tights underneath, sweatbands, head and wrists with reeboks.
Kath's makeup is more is best, blue eyeshadow, lots of blush to highlight your cheekbones and bright red lipstick.
KIM ... What you will need ...
You will need to either already have long dark hair or you can purchase the funky brown wig from Allaura to start this look with. Depending if you are going for a more casual Kim or 'over the top Kim', a crown or tiara won't go a miss.
When dressing as Kim pick something you'd likely see on 'Toddlers and Tiaras' or a too-small pink velour Juicy Couture tracksuit. Because it's all about looking fabulous and all eyes on me!
Kim's makeup style is either very over the top with over made up eye makeup with red lipstick or kept very simple. Long fake nails are a must plus as much orange tan as you can handle.